Friday 1 June 2018

APK / MOT 2018

Prior to the visit I had checked the oil since my brother had been driving 2 classic car rally's the past 2 months. Good I did as oil was just below the minimum.

I still had a can of classic oil from last round so I filled it up with the remaining 0,5 liter.

On to the garage

Only the rear right wheel does have a small oil issue (same as last time), bearing is ok though, so no fail for the MOT.

Rear wheel arche that can use some preventative corrossion spray:

 A little corrossion on the floor panel that needs preventative protection:

 The rear of the cardan seems to have a little oil leakage / bad seal. But nothing worrisome:

Anoher floor panel that needs attention:

And a pass for the final outcome, hurray! We are good to go for another 2 years: